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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Wooden sign that reads "Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action"

WIOA provides training and employment opportunities for eligible youth ages 16-24 living in Franklin, Vance, Granville or Warren county. The program focuses on increasing employment outcomes, improving retention rates, and increasing attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials.

A variety of educational and occupational skills training opportunities are available for youth who are unemployed, underemployed, economically disadvantaged, or employed, but need services to obtain/retain employment.

Program Benefits

  • College Degree
  • Financial Assistance (Tuition/Books)
  • High School Diploma
  • Tutoring, Study Skills
  • Leadership Development
  • Career Guidance
  • Job Opportunity Information
  • Work Experience/Job Training
  • Money Management
  • Job Preparation

How to Qualify

You must be…

  • 16 – 24 Years Old
  • A U.S. Citizen
  • Registered with selective service if male over the age of 18
  • Live in Franklin, Granville, Vance, or Warren County
  • Low Income

Request More Information

Director WIOA
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3374