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Faculty and Staff

Abbott, Emily


Academic Success Center


Adams, Jamar “JT”

Cloud & Infrastructure Administrator

Adcock, Kayla

Administrative Assistant to Dean of Business & Industry Solutions



Advising & College Success


Alie, Falastein

B.S., M.S.
Instructor of Mathematics

Allen, Jennifer

Registrar for Continuing Education

Allen, Lorene

Career Development Specialist

Alston-Thompson, Rene’

B.S., M.Ed
Department Chair, Math

Alston, Jemal

B.S., M.B.A., M.S., Ed.S.
Instructor of Business Administration

Alston, Sherri

Director of Admissions & Enrollment Services

Archie, Dorothy


Askew, Keri

Director of Accounts Payable, Payroll & Foundation Accounting

Atkinson, Tiffany

Lead Teacher, Child Care Center



Automotive Shop


AVT Center


Bailey, Spence

B.S., M.S.
Program Head/Instructor, Information Technology

Bamigbade, Christiana

B.S., M.S.
Instructor, Mathematics

Barney, Stephen

Director, Fire/Rescue and EMS

Bates, Tim

Coordinator of Prison Programs

Bell, Sara

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, Humanities

Bender, Daniel

Coordinator of Open Labs

Bhattacharya, Dr. Nikhl

B.S., M.S., Ph. D.
Chemistry Instructor

Bishop, Brandon

Director of BLET/LET

Blair, Anthony

B.S., A.L.M.
Department Chair, Science

Blalock, Diane

Receptionist, South Campus

Bolton, Jessica

Lead Teacher, Child Care Center

Bookstore – Main


Boone, James

Maintenance Technician

Bowling, Dr. Brandy

B.S., M.S., Ph. D.
Dean of Arts & Sciences

Boyd, Glen

Coordinator/Instructor, Law Enforcement Training

Boyd, Russ

Academic Advisor

Brodie, Michael

Campus Police Sergeant

Brooks, Lindsey

Payroll Specialist

Brown Jr., James

Customized Training Director

Brown, Kali

Director of Financial Aid

Brubaker, Brooke

Accounting Technician – Student Accounts

Bryan, Jason

B.A., M.A.
Professor, English

Bullock, David

Department Chair, Applied Tech/Program Head, Mechatronics Engineering

Bullock, Georgie

Instructor, CDL

Bullock, Reba

Granville Early College Liaison, Career and College Promise Liaison/Advisor

Burch, Bernard


Burwell, Kyle

Dean, Business & Industry Solutions

Call Center


Career Services


Carlson, Matt

A.A.S., B.F.A., M.F.A.
Instructor, Art

Carter, Dr. Tracey

B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Program Head, Education/Program Head, Early Childhood Education

Chaves-Smith, Margaret

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, Spanish

Chavis, Todd


Child Care Center


Christie, Mary

Instructor, Biology

Cissel, Courtney

Public Information Officer

Clark, Tony

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, Criminal Justice Technology

Clarke, Betty

B.S., M.A.
Instructor, English

Coburn, Emily

Department Chair, Public Services and Program Head, Cosmetology

Colindres, Fredesvinda

Assistant Grants Administrator

College and Career Readiness Center


Computer Lab-Franklin


Computer Lab-Main


Computer Lab-South


Computer Lab-Warren


Conference Room


Continuing Education


Cook, Dr. James

Learning Management System Administrator

Copeland, Sonya

Academic Advisor

Cordell, Hilda

Cook, Child Care





Counseling Services


Creech, Jennifer

Accounting Technician – Grants Accounting

Cruz, Carlos

Admissions and Enrollment Specialist

Davis, Cathy

Counselor and Coordinator of Counseling, Accessibility, & Support Services

Davis, Jennie


Dawes, Yamika

Professor, Developmental Math

Daycare Center


Debnam, Marque

B.A., J.D.
Program Head, Paralegal Technology

Dekle, Tina

A.A., A.A.S., B.A., M. Div., M.A.
Instructor, Early Childhood Education

Desmarais, Dr. Rachel


Deville, Phillip

A.A., A.S., B.S., M.S.
Instructor, Mechatronics

Devkota, Dr. Ramesh

B.S., M.S., Ph. D.
Biology Instructor

Dickens, Antoinette

M.A., Paralegal Certification
Department Chair, Public Service, Curriculum Work-Based Learning Coordinator

Dillahunt, Marian

B.A., M.A., M.L.S.
Instructor, English

Dillard, Morris

Pathway Navigator

Durham, Alvin

Diploma, A.A.S.
Instructor, Electrical Systems Technology

Durham, Ja’Lisha


Durham, Lora

Outreach & Adult Student Support Coach

Edmonds, Dr. Jerry

Vice President of Workforce and Community Engagement

Eller, Dr. Kelly

Director, Nursing

Elliott, Lauren

Accounts Receivable Coordinator

Epps, James

A.A., B.A., M.B.A/HRM
Instructor, Basic Skills WCI

Evans, Wallace

Instructor, Cosmetology

Faculty Lounge-South


Faculty/Staff Lounge-Franklin


Farmer, Delton

B.S., M.B.A.
Program Head, Business

Faulkner, Rosa

Instructor, Nursing

Fax: Building 5-Main Campus


Fax: Building 7-Main Campus


Fax: Building 8-Main Campus


Fax: College Services-Main Campus


Fax: Franklin Campus


Fax: South Campus


Fax: Student Affairs-Main Campus


Fax: Warren Campus


Felts, Kassie

B.S.N., M.S.N
Nursing Facility Coordinator

Financial Aid Office


Finch, Austin

Welding Instructor

Fischer, Robinette

Department Chair of Transition, Student Success, and College Transfer

Fleming, Dr. Erica

Program Head, Pharmacy

Folz, Erin

B.A., M.S.
Professor, Mathematics

Foster-Hill, Willie Mae


Foxx, Dr. Krystal

Director of Career Services & Experiential Learning

Franklin Campus


Franklin, Larry

Chief of Police/Director of Public Safety

Frederick, Caitlin

Instructor, History

Frink, Frankie

B.A., M.Ed.
Professor, English

Gallatin, Teresa

Child Care Specialist, Child Care Center

Garmon, Karen

Instructor, Sociology

Garrett, Adam


Garrett, Hollie

A.A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Program Head, Office/Medical Office Administration

GED Testing-Main Campus


Gibbs, James

Program Head of Transportation Technologies

Gibbs, Rhonda

Cosmetology Instructor

Goode, Faye

Associate Director Financial Aid

Graham, Steven

Vice President, Finance and Operations

Gravel, Charles Luke

A.A.S., B.S., B.A.
Program Head, Welding

Green, Serena

Administrative Assistant

Griffin, Martin

Maintenance Tech

Grissom, Andy

Maintenance Supervisor

Grissom, Rose

A.A., B.S., M.B.A.
Instructor, Business Administration

Grissom, Thomas

Financial Aid Specialist

Hall, Lyndon

Dean of K-12 Partnership and Warren Campus

Hanks, Rhonda

Child Care Specialist, Child Care Center

Hann, Carl

Instructor, Accounting

Hargrove, Antonio

Custodial Coordinator (Satellite Campuses)

Hargrove, Bernard


Hargrove, Frances


Hargrove, Jermiel

Coordinator of Student Engagement

Hargrove, Linda


Harp, Stephanie

Administrative Assistant for Plant Operations

Harris, Cedrict


Harris, Pamela

Lead Teacher, Child Care Center

Harvey, Jessica

A.A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Instructor, Office Administration

Hawkins, James

Academic Advisor

Hawley, Joe

Security Officer

Health Sciences


Henderson, Betsy

B.F.A., M.F.A.
Department Chair/Instructor, Humanities and Fine Arts

Henderson, Curtis

B.S., M.S.
Instructor, English

Hicks, Julie

Director, Planning and Research

Hilke, Pamela

CT (ASCP) Program Instructor; Program Director

Hill, Jon

Instructor, Music

Himmel, Angela

Manger, Child Care Center

Holton, Ruth

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, English

Howard, Adwanna

Director, College and Career Readiness

Howard, Keiona

Security Officer

Hudgins, Faith

Administrative Assistant

Hudson, Roxanne

HT (ASCP) Program Instructor: Program Director

Human Resources Office


Hunt, Diane

Administrative Assistant for Business, Applied Technologies, & Public Services

Hurt, Leslie

A.A.S., B.A., M.A.
Instructor, Sociology

Hyson, Andrea

B.A., M.S.
Program Head of Criminal Justice Technology/Public Safety Administration

Jackson, Jonathon


Jacobs, Lisa

Instructor, Mathematics

Jones, Dafney

Financial Aid Specialist

Jones, Sheri

Associate Director, The VGCC Foundation

Jones, Teresa


Jordan, Dr. Antonio

Dean of Students, Title IX Coordinator

Kamoru, Dr. Mercedes

Medical Assisting Program Head

Kearney, O’Brien


King, Katherine

Instructor, Mathematics

Layton, Amanda

Financial Aid/LRC Assistant

Lewis, Priscilla

Purchasing Agent

Library – South

Learning Resource Center


Learning Resource Center

Library/LRC Open Lab-Franklin

Learning Resource Center

Luffman, Jennifer

Director of Student Accounts, Receivables, and Grant Accounting

Lyon, Stewart

B.S., M.S., MBA
Program Head of Biotechnology

Main Campus




Makowske, Sita

Facilities Coordinator-Civic Center

Mastman, Rick

Program Chair, CT/MRI

McDaniel, Andrea

Coordinator of Institutional Research

McILroy, Brande

B.S.N., M.S.N.
Instructor, Nursing

McMannen, Mary

Accounts Payable Coordinator

Melvin, Christan

Student Engagement Specialist

Miller, Denise

Personal Enrichment Coordinator

Mitchell, Evangeline

Liaison, Franklin Early College High School

Mobile Classroom


Moore, Shambellina

Admissions and Enrollment Specialist

Morgan, Margaret

B.A., M.A.
Instructional Designer

Nadeau, Esther

Cosmetology Instructor

Newbern, Lee

Systems Administrator

Newton, Billy

IT Help Desk

Nursing-Franklin Campus


Nursing-Main Campus


O’Geary, Sharon

A.A., A.A.S., B.A., M.Ed., M.S.
Professor, Psychology

Open Lab-Franklin


Open Lab-South


Open Lab-Warren


Otti, Emmanuel

B.A., M.I.S./M.B.A.
Instructor, Computer Education

Pais, Dr. Andrew

Instructor of Biotechnology

Paquette, Neta

Coordinator, Occupational Healthcare Programs

Parker, Candy

B.S., M.A., M.B.A., Ed.S.
Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Parrott, Leslie

Instructor, Nursing

Paschall, John

Computer Services Technician

Pearce, Dr. Christopher

Vice President of Institutional Research & Technology

Pegram, Allison

Administrative Assistant

Pendergrass, Ashley


Pendergrass, Danner


Perkinson, April

Executive Assistant to the President

Perry, Blake

Academic Advisor

Perry, Carolyn

Director, Small Business Center

Perry, Sharon


Personal Enrichment

Continuing Education Department

Pierce-Cappetta, Veta

Success Center Campus Coordinator/Counselor

Polk, Dr. Kristie

M.S., Ph. D.
Professor, Psychology

Powell, Dr. Nakisha

R.N., B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D.
Clinical Progression Specialist

Quick, TaMarsha

Admissions and Enrollment Specialist

Ragland, Connie

NC Career Coach/Career and College Promise Advisor

Ragland, Tina

Student Engagement Specialist

Ramey, David


Records Office


Registrar’s Office


Rice, Christnie


Roberson, Ashley

Director of Plant Operations

Robertson, Kimberly

Academic Advisor

Robinson, Kierra

Vance Early College Liaison

Robinson, Tyrone

Testing Administrator for College and Career Readiness

Rodwell, Elisa

Director, Occupational Extension

Rossi, April

B.S., M.A.
Professor, Mathematics

Royster, Anna


Royster, Marie


Sanders, Brian

Instructor, Business Technologies

Scott, Bobby

Security Officer



Sepich, Dr. Kim

Vice President, Instruction and Student Services

Settles, Dr. Daniel

B.A., Ph.D.
Instructor, Biology

Sewell, Tracey

Security Officer

Sharpe, Kelvin

CDL Coordinator

Sheuring, John

B.S., M.S.
Instructor, Information Technology

Simmons, Angela Peterson

Dean of Workforce Readiness, Health & Public Safety

Slack, Penny

Call Center Coordinator/Aviso System Specialist

Small, Ricky

Technician, Civic Center

Smith, Brenda

Environmental Health & Safety/Administrative Assistant

Smith, Rita

Financial Aid/LRC Assistant

Snack Bar


Snelling, Jason

Coordinator, Academic Skills Center

Sourisak, Sy

Instructor, Mechatronics

South Campus


Southerland, Patrick

B.A., M.S.
Professor, Health/Physical Education

Sparks, Jonathan

B.A., M.S.
Dept. Chair of Social Science

Spriggs, Alyceia

Administrative Assistant

Stainback, Audrey

Administrative Assistant

Stegall, Deanna

Executive Assistant

Stem, Elaine

Director, Library Services

Stewart, Rebecca

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, Spanish

Student Help Desk


Student Services


Sumner, Paula

Administrative Assistant

Talley, Isaac

B.F.A., M.F.A.
Instructor, Art

Tatum, Matthew

Assistant Director of Information Technology

Taylor, Audrey

Administrative Assistant

Taylor, Gabrielle

Program Head, Social & Human Services Technology

Taylor, Kayrn

Lead Teacher, Child Care Center

Taylor, Valerie

B.S., M.S.
Mathematics Instructor

Terry, Toni

Human Resources Coordinator

Testing Services


Tharrington, Allen

Instructor, Welding

Thomas, Christal

B.A., M.Ed.
Department Chair, Business Technologies

Thomas, Dr. Angela

Dean, Health Sciences

Thornton, Randall

Academic Advisor

Tillotson, Mark

Diploma, A.G.E.
Program Head of Construction Technologies

Tolbert, Stephanie

Dean of Business, Applied Tech, Public Service

Tompkins, Kevin

Executive Director of Human Resources

Townes, Stanley


Twitty, Jamisha

B.S., M.H.S.
Clinical Coordinator for Radiography

Waddle, Tonya

Academic & Career Coach

Warren Campus


Washington, Carla


Watson, Maurice

Security Officer

Weary, Tanya

Executive Director of The VGCC Foundation

Weaver, William

Director of Information Technology

Wheeler, Cecilia

Human Resources Training and Development Coordinator

Whited, Victoria

B.S., M.A.
Professor, History

Wilcots, Kimberly

Outreach & Student Support Coach

Wilkerson, R. Kyle

Program Head, Culinary Arts

Williams, Alicia

Executive Assistant

Williams, Dar-Neshia

Literacy Education Information Systems (LEIS) Specialist

Williams, Keana

Transfer Academic Advisor / Eagle Voyage for North Carolina Central University

Williams, Taylor

Warren Early College Liaison, Career and College Promise Advisor

Wilson, Gregory

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, Developmental English

Wilson, Kenneth

VGCC Grants Administrator

Wolf, Ian

B.A., M.A.
Instructor, English

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act


Wyche, David

B. A., M.S.
Department Chair/Instructor, English

Yancey, Dr. Laurica

Dean of Corporate Learning & Professional Development

Yancey, Virginia

Accounting Technician